Sunday, November 21, 2010

Were democratic and liberal policies to blame for economic crisis?

Under Clinton, mortgage qualification rules were loosened to enable everyone, no matter how poorly qualified, to be able to get a mortgage. The democrats partnered with their major campaign donors in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (Major Obama connections in both of these) to loosen restrictions to get their democratic voters (typically poor people with bad credit) into houses.

Now the democrats are placing all of the blame on the republicans and deregulation. It was not deregulation, but regulation forcing the elimination of restrictions that caused this messWere democratic and liberal policies to blame for economic crisis?
Congress has the oversight not the president, and check out who runs it. democratic and liberal policies to blame for economic crisis?
Pretty much. Too bad the liberal media still thinks it's Bush's fault.
No but ! Thank you for promoting Obama, come again.
You're freakin kidding me. It's the republicans who got us into this mess, going all the way back to Ronald Reagan and his famous voodoo ';Reaganomics.'; Republicans have been slashing services in favor of their favorite lobbies for so long I can't remember anymore. In addition, they've been eroding our civil rights as well. The dems are not that much better, nowadays, either. They're two pigs in a poke, if you ask me. They're all bought and paid for by large corporations, and that's the problem.
Absolutely not. The blame goes to the economic policies of the Bush administration because it was a policy that virtually helped with the spread of dishonesty. Since Bush has been president, a lot of his closest contributors were eventually caught and arrested and put in jail or indicted for one crime or another because they were literally following their leader's example of greed and disregard for the rights of the people of the United States of America...
The Republicans have been in power for almost 8 years. We used to have

a surplus. We now have an astronomical deficit. We owe the whole world vast amounts of money. The Democrats have ';controlled'; the Congress for almost 2 years with a MAJORITY of ONE vote. And then, of course, there's Libermann.

The so called housing boom began in 2003, the price escalations began and soared for the next 2 and a half years. Who was in charge of the Treasury, the Congress, the Fed during those years?

Republicans. Fact. The real down turn began around August 2005 before the Democrats won the mid term elections.

So, if the President of the US and the Republican majority for 6 years

are not responsible for the loss of thousands of jobs, the devaluation of

the so-called dollar, the fact that the average American is earning less now that 20 years ago in adjusted income, that it costs more to feed the children, that education has become too expensive for most middle class Americans, and the terrific lack of job creation, who is? The Democrats?

Where does such information come from? Read the paper.

Look it up.

The American public has been bamboozled and doesn't even know it.

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