If your credit is really bad, why don't you look for people selling their homes and offering owner financing. If a person owns a home with no mortgage on it they might consider doing owner financing. Were they hold a mortgage like a bank, the mortgage is amoritized of 30 years and it ballons in a certain amount of years. Balloon meaning you have to pay it off in like 5 years, and you do that by refinancing obtaining another mortgage at that time. When you project your credit to be better.I have bad credit and want to buy a home.?
See a loan broker about it. They can evaluate your credit and tell you how big a house you can afford and find loans for people with bad credit. Be aware, you might be looking at high interest rates.
Another option: see if your parents are willing to co-sign on a loan.
Best wishes.
It will depend on why your credit is bad. If your credit is bad because of unpaid medical bills they will not affect your ability to secure a loan; however, if you have outstanding bad accounts, i.e. credit cards not paid, then most lenders will require those be paid before the loan can be written. There are a few mortgage programs that will roll your bad debt into your mortgage and pay off your bad marks as well as allowing you to purchase a house. The best I can tell you is start small, talk to a mortgage broker, be completely honest with him or her and see what they can do for you.
Check this site. It's worth the read.
Hi Andi,
My best advice to you would be to contact at least three Mortgage Brokers in your general area and explain to them your current situation.
They will go over your credit profile and see what really needs to be done in order for you to get the best deal.
I am a mortgage broker and would not mind looking at your situation and seeing what can be done, I work with over 100 lenders in 48 states and specialize in working with clients with sub par credit! Please drop me a line and let me see what I can do for you!
Bad credit is so relative. There are many programs out there for various situations. It depends on how old the medical bills are to. If they are old you should be fine. Good Luck
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